Sunday, September 1, 2013

Tabula Rasa and The Truth

I had a teacher tell me that man is born a blank slate – “tabula rasa.”  Then if this is true, man is born good.  With each experience we have, we are shaped. One can look at it as if each experience is a paint stroke on the original blank canvas we are born with.  Each paint stroke leads to the masterpieces of which we become.

I have also heard that one cannot help but love a person once one knows the person. In other words, if you come to know each part of a person you can truly understand them. You now know every aspect of this person and understand the emotions and thoughts behind their actions.  How can you hate this person now? You cannot dislike them.  You can’t help but love them.

One of the problems in our world today is that people do not make a full effort to understand another person.  A person may begin to talk to another, but the person will then stop talking to him/her on account of a false understanding. The false understanding is this:  you begin to think a certain negative way about another person because you didn't take more time to learn the truth about that person.  You see…one must always be willing to look deeper into a situation.  If this does not make sense, ask yourself this – is it right to assume negative things of a person and never give the person a chance to show you that they are one in a million? So continue the conversations. We have become a generation craving instant gratification, but instant gratification cannot bring us the finer things in life.  Instant gratification cannot bring us what we truly desire. Continuing communications and interactions through other means instead of (for example) texting will lead you to know people on a higher level in which the truth is exposed and you believe and fall for the truth instead of lies and negativity. 

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